Identity Income: How to make a living as an artist

Throughout the day, we're constantly influenced by various factors such as our phones, jobs, friends, family, and even pets, all of which contribute to shaping our identity ...

Identity Income: How to make a living as an artist
Photo by Matthew Moloney / Unsplash

Change is inevitable. Old ways disappear, whether we like it or not. Those who adapt do well, while those who refuse to change are left behind. Financial transparency in our industry has never been easily accessible. Thanks to modern technology and a few industry executives, we now have access to the playbook that major labels have used to take advantage of artists for years. Music streaming is no longer a reliable source of income for us, and to tell the truth, it never was!

Source (@Even.Biz)

EVEN and similar DIY platforms are just one solution to the overall issue. We must understand that proper personal branding is the driver of revenue. Nowadays, we artists make a living by recognizing that the value lies in the artists, not the art.

It's important to have a good relationship with your ego. As a songwriter, you write more honest lyrics when you think about yourself and your own experiences. In today's music industry, standing out with a gimmick is becoming less effective as it quickly becomes a popular trend. This makes it easier for potential fans to expose you if you're trying to be something other than yourself.

To grow your audience effectively, just be yourself. However, this can be challenging. We all have sides of ourselves that we prefer to keep hidden. These sides could embarrass or confuse the people we want to attract if they were ever revealed. We must set our pride aside and understand that our insecurities are exactly what would draw the right people in.

I'm going to ask something of each of you. It may be uncomfortable, and most of you won't be able to complete the exercise the first time. Are you with me? Before searching for your next beat or writing another song, I challenge you to sit or walk without your phone for 30 minutes to 1 hour. During this time, I'd like you to let your mind run. Welcome each thought without hesitation or judgment and feel what it's like to observe rather than react. After you're done, write down how you feel, memories that you remembered, and people that you saw in no particular format.

“As a writer you should not judge. You should understand.”

Hemingway’s Advice on Writing, Ambition, the Art of Revision, and His Reading List of Essential Books for Aspiring Writers
“In any art you’re allowed to steal anything if you can make it better.”

Throughout the day, we are constantly influenced by various factors such as our phones, jobs, friends, family, and even pets, all of which contribute to shaping our identity. It is only when we are alone that we catch a glimpse of our true selves. The more time we spend in solitude, the more our true selves emerge. This true self is the person we should strive to be when creating. It is this true self that genuine fans will support in every aspect – spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially.

In conclusion, there is no secret to getting someone to like you. You can't buy followers or cheat your way to stardom. The only way to find, grow, and sustain a loyal fan base is to live a life true to you.

“As within, so without.”

As Within, So Without
The full quote from Hermetic Philosophy is… “As within, so without, as above, so below, as the universe, so the soul.”

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