Newsletter #107
"An artist's safe space is anywhere they can be spiritually, mentally, and physically free." — Jeff Diggs Jr

🔊 Shoutout of the Week
"An artist's safe space is anywhere they can be spiritually, mentally, and physically free." — Jeff Diggs Jr
Entertainers and the entertainment media have had a complicated relationship since the industry began. Discussions about the creative process have often turned into exploitative interrogations of artists' vulnerabilities. In response, many artists have created personal platforms to control their narratives and limit distortion. Despite traditional media's negative reputation, some journalists and hosts continue to provide safe spaces. Ant from the Speak Your Truth Podcast emphasizes integrity and positivity, showcasing the best in his guests while offering hope for the future of entertainment media.
Your future is clear, but your past is often known by others, which makes it easier for them to judge you. Ant may be curious about your experiences, but he won’t keep you there for long. His questions focus on how his guests have improved and how those improvements will affect the work they've yet to release. It's important to engage with someone who practices what they preach and approaches conversations with empathy rather than criticism. If you're a creative seeking a platform that values what you've done and what you're doing, the Speak Your Truth Podcast is your safe space!
Contact Ant on Instagram at @thespeakyourtruthpod to inquire about an interview. Watch all of the platform's recent interviews on YouTube at "The Speak Your Truth Pod" and see for yourself why Ant is the host for you. Make sure to follow the host himself on Instagram at @ad5ive_
— Jeff Diggs, Jr.
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