Newsletter #112
"The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus." — Bruce Lee

🔊 Shoutout of the Week
"The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus." — Bruce Lee
We've all entered a room only to forget why we went in because something distracted us. While these situations seem harmless, they highlight a larger issue: losing focus on what matters most can have significant consequences. Success is often attributed to concentration and perseverance rather than intelligence or natural talent. Tunnel vision isn't just a cringy Instagram caption; It will help you reach the 1%. Judo is a person of intention, an artist with vision, and capable of flourishing alongside his peers as long as his eyes are kept straight.
Judo's musical ability and relatable personality have attracted a sizeable fanbase. As a member of Double M, Judo is learning how to use his popularity to his advantage, letting his fans see a different side of him and producing new ways for them to support him as he supports them. Notoriety without the knowledge to mutually benefit is pointless. Despite having a loyal community, Judo understands that to avoid the trap of simply being another kid at the cool table, he must build infrastructure. I'm happy to see Judo taking steps toward realizing his potential.
In addition to his relentless work ethic, Judo is fearless when it comes to experimenting with his sound. Contrary to what people expect, Judo lets his mood dictate what he makes, always keeping his listeners guessing what he will come out with next. Stay informed on all U4L Judo releases, performances, and engagement on Instagram at @u4ljudo. Get a feel for his journey thus far by streaming his music on all streaming platforms under "U4L Judo!"
— Jeff Diggs, Jr.

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Our purpose is to create the resources to empower you
We want to motivate you to fulfill your potential
We value proactivity, community, goal-driven, professionalism, creativity, and unity
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